
An overview of the courses that I have assisted in till date!

CSE1500: Web and Database Technology

Role: Head Teaching Assistant (TA)

Web & Database Technology is a first year course that provides an introduction to Web and Database technology and programming. Topics related to Web technology and programming include: a) Introduction to Databases; b) Overview of Database Languages and Architectures; c) The basic relational model; database design theory; d) SQL: Data Definition, Constraints, Updates, Queries, Views, Triggers; e) Relational Databases and Object Persistence; f) Introduction to non-relational database systems: key-value stores, document stores, graph databases.

CSE1505: Information and Data Management

Role: Head Teaching Assistant (TA)

Information and Data Management is a first year course that teaches how to model, manage, and query information in a Database Management System (DBMS). It focuses on different data modelling techniques, but also on aspects of query processing like for example query parsing or optimization. Also transaction management is a central topic of interest. The core focus is on classic relational OLTP databases, but alternative systems like the current NewSQL-trend and systems optimized for in-memory or OLAP applications are also discussed. Additionally, NoSQL systems and their respective data models are discussed.

CSE1105: Collaborative Software Engineering Project

Role: Teaching Assistant (TA)

Modern software development is not just about knowing the right programming language or the right technology stack. It is as important to know how to work together in a team to get a serious programming project done. In CSE1105, students learn how to collaboratively create a software system. The contents of this course include learning about teamwork, interpreting requirements given by a client and breaking them down into actionable tasks, using popular collaboration tools like GitLab to plan and track project progress, using collaborative tools like Git, and learning popular frameworks and libraries to bring the project to success.